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Meaning of the name Wanda

Wanda \wa(n)-da\ as a girl's name is pronounced WAHN-dah. It is of Slavic origin, and the meaning of Wanda is "the tribe of the Vandals". The Vandals (or Wendlas) were an ancient Slavonic tribe whose destructive behavior led to the modern term "vandalism". Also possibly (Old German) "wanderer". Harpsichord player Wanda Landowska.

Wanda has 15 variant forms: Vanda, Wahnda, Wandah, Wandie, Wandis, Wandy, Wannda, Wenda, Wendaline, Wendall, Wendeline, Wendy, Wohnda, Wonda and Wonnda.

Baby names that sound like Wanda are Anda, Annda, Wendi, Inda, Jenda, Jandy, Wanita, Vonda, Vannda, Vahnda, Waneta and Windy.

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