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Meaning of the name Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn \gwe-ndol-yn, gwen-do-lyn\ as a girl's name is pronounced GWYN-doh-lin. It is of Welsh origin, and the meaning of Gwendolyn is "fair bow; blessed ring". In some legends, Merlin the magician has a wife named Gwendolyn. The variant Wendy is much more common.

Gwendolyn has 34 variant forms: Guendolen, Guendolin, Guendolinn, Guendolynn, Guenna, Gwen, Gwenda, Gwendaline, Gwendalyn, Gwendolen, Gwendolene, Gwendolin, Gwendoline, Gwendolynn, Gwendolynne, Gwenna, Gwenette, Gwenndolen, Gwenni, Gwennie, Gwenny, Gwenyth, Gwyn, Gwyndolyn, Gwyneth, Gwynn, Gwynna, Gwynne, Wendi, Wendie, Wendy, Win, Winne and Wynne.

Baby names that sound like Gwendolyn are Kendall, Kendyl, Kendell and Kendal.

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