Scherie \s-che-rie\ as a girl's name is a variant of Cherie (French), and the meaning of Scherie is "dear, darling".
The baby name Scherie sounds like Sherie, Sherye, Sherrie, Sheri, Sheria, Sheree, Sharie, Sherae and Sheraie. Other similar baby names are Charie, Sherry, Sherey, Sher, Cherrie, Cheri, Cheree, Chere, Shuree, Shiree, Shery, Cheyrie, Sherai, Samarie, Shari, Sharae, Sharee, Sherri, Scheba, Schelley, Shera, Sheray, Sherah, Sheraa, Sh'rae, Sherrey, Sherree, Sharrie, Shiri and Seeria.