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Meaning of the name Samantha

Samantha \s(a)-man-tha, sam(a)-ntha\ as a girl's name is pronounced sa-MAN-thah. It is of English origin. Feminine form of Samuel (Hebrew) "God heard". Also contains the Greek -antha which means "flower". Occasionally used in the 17th-19th centuries. Samantha became popular in the 1960s due to the TV show "Bewitched". Actress Samantha Eggar.

Samantha has 12 variant forms: Sam, Samey, Sami, Samentha, Sammantha, Sammee, Sammey, Sammie, Semantha, Semanntha, Simantha and Symantha.

For more information, see also related names Amantha and Samuela.

Baby names that sound like Samantha are Simonetta and Simonette.

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