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Meaning of the name Phyllis

Phyllis \ph(yl)-lis\ as a girl's name is pronounced FILL-iss. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Phyllis is "greenery". Greek mythology: a character of this name dies for love, then is transformed into an almond tree. The name is used by poets to stand for the idealised country lass. Poet Phyllis McGinley; commedienne Phyllis Diller.

Phyllis has 13 variant forms: Filis, Fillis, Fillys, Fyllis, Philis, Phillis, Philys, Phylis, Phyliss, Phyllida, Phyllie, Phylliss and Phyllys.

For more information, see also related names Clematis, Phillida and Phylicia.

Baby names that sound like Phyllis are Phyllicia and Wallis.

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