Ieasha \ie(a)-sha\ as a girl's name is a variant of Aisha (Arabic) and Ieesha, and the meaning of Ieasha is "alive and well".
The baby name Ieasha sounds like Iesha, Ieashia and Ieashah. Other similar baby names are Keasha, Casha, Teisha, Isha, Ihisha, Ieeshia, Ieeshah, Ieshah, Ieashiah, Aesha, Aeisha, Aeesha, Sasha, Lesha, Leisha, Basha, Dasha, Yeesha, Irisha, Ieshia, Kasha, Keisha, Kesha, Keesha, Leesha, Masha, Tasha, Nesha, Neesha and Pasha.