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Meaning of the name Carina

Carina \c(a)-ri-na\ as a girl's name is pronounced ka-REEN-ah. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Carina is "beloved". Late 19th-century coinage. Pet form of Cara (like Carita) and partly inspired by Karin. Also considered a Latinate form of Karen. Often used in Italy in the exclamation "Che carina!" meaning, "How darling!" or "How cute!" Also the name of a constellation in the southern sky, where the name means "keel" in Latin, referring to a part of Jason's ship the Argo. Carine is French; Karita is Scandinavian.

Carina has 16 variant forms: Careena, Caren, Carena, Carenna, Cariana, Carin, Carine, Carinna, Carrina, Carita, Kareena, Karena, Karina, Karine, Karita and Rina.

For more information, see also the related name Careen.

Baby names that sound like Carina are Carna and Corina.

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