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Meaning of the name Beck

Beck \b(e)-ck\ as a girl's name (also used as boy's name Beck), is of Old Norse origin, and the meaning of Beck is "stream". Place name. Also possibly (Old English) "axe". Use among German Jews as a surname probably derives from Yiddish, meaning "baker", or from Hebrew, meaning "descendant of martyrs". Also a modern informal short form of Rebecca.

For more information, see also the related name Beckett.

Baby names that sound like Beck are Becky, Becki, Becke and Becka. Other similar baby names are Breck, Bel, Bebe, Beba, Bea, Bee, Beea, Beah, Becca, Beda, Bell, Bena, Bera, Bess, Beta, Beth, Bet, Bett, Bev, Bich, Beau, Decka, Bekki, Bekka, Beki, Beckie, Beckey, Becker, Beckee and Beckah.

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