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Meaning of the name Ariel

Ariel \a-riel\ as a girl's name (also used as boy's name Ariel), is pronounced AYR-ee-ul. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Ariel is "lion of God". Biblical place name for Jerusalem. Literary: Shakespeare gave the name to a prankish spirit in "The Tempest". Ariel was also made popular in modern times as the name of the mermaid in Walt Disney's cartoon feature film "The Little Mermaid". Arielle is a modern coinage.

Ariel has 11 variant forms: Aeriel, Aeriela, Aeriell, Arie, Ariela, Ariele, Ariell, Ariella, Arielle, Ariellel and Ariellia.

Baby names that sound like Ariel are Auriel and Oriel.

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