Alyce \a-ly-ce\ as a girl's name is a variant of Alice (Old German), and the meaning of Alyce is "noble, exalted".
The baby name Alyce sounds like Alyse, Allyce and Elyce. Other similar baby names are Alyne, Aline, Agace, Alene, Aleyne, Alayne, Alane, Alie, Allie, Alcee, Alle, Alyx, Alfie, Alyss, Alysa, Alys, Alyceea, Allyse, Allice, Alise, Alicen, Alicea, Alica, Aleece, Alycia, Alyda, Alyna, Allyne, Alyza, Alize, Allcen, Aliye, Alya, Alynne, Aloe, Alwyne, Alvie, Alysse, Amice, Anice, Arlyse, Avice, Elice, Elyse, Ellyce, Ilyse and Loyce.