Althia \a-lthia, al-thia\ as a girl's name is a variant of Althea (Greek), and the meaning of Althia is "healing herb".
The baby name Althia sounds like Alithia, Alethia, Alathia, Altha and Althaia. Other similar baby names are Anthia, Alaia, Albia, Alesia, Alethea, Elithia, Alithea, Aletia, Aletha, Aleethia, Alathea, Alysia, Alitia, Alicia, Alecia, Alycia, Alisia, Alishia, Aleshia, Alidia, Allia, Alia, Aloha, Alonia, Alpha, Alta, Elthea, Eltha, Althelia, Altheda, Althaea, Anthea, Antheia, Artha, Artheia, Athie and Lethia.