Isaac \i-saac\ as a boy's name is pronounced EYE-zik. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Isaac is "laughter". Biblical: the only son of Abraham by his wife Sarah. Violinist Itzhak (ITS-hahk) Perlman; scientish Isaac Newton; angler Izaak Walton; authors Isaac Bashevis Singer, Isaac Asimov; football player Isaac Bruce; singer Isaac Hanson.
Isaac has 19 variant forms: Ike, Ikey, Ikie, Isa, Isaak, Isac, Isacco, Isak, Issac, Itzak, Itzhak, Izaac, Izaak, Izak, Izik, Izsak, Yitzhak, Zack and Zak.
A baby name that sounds like Isaac is Osage.