Cornelius \c(o)-rne-lius, cor-nelius\ as a boy's name is pronounced kor-NEEL-yus. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Cornelius is "horn". A famous Latin clan name, often used under the Roman Empire. Biblical: Cornelius was a Roman centurion who was baptized by Peter. Also the name of a third-century pope who is venerated as a saint. Railroad millionaire Cornelius Vanderbilt.
Cornelius has 18 variant forms: Con, Connie, Cornall, Cornel, Corneille, Cornelio, Cornelious, Cornell, Cornelus, Corney, Cornilius, Kornelious, Kornelis, Kornelius, Neal, Neel, Neil and Neely.
For more information, see also the related name Kornel.
Baby names that sound like Cornelius are Kornelisz, Carnell, Carnelle, Cornwallis and Kornell.