Byrley \b(y)-rley, byr-ley\ as a boy's name is a variant of Burleigh (Old English), and the meaning of Byrley is "meadow with knotty-trunk trees".
The baby name Byrley sounds like Birley and Burley. Other similar baby names are Arley, Bailey, Bayley, Baley, Berkley, Bartley, Barkley, Barcley, Barney, Barrey, Birkley, Berle, Birkey, Birly, Birney, Burney, Bosley, Burle, Byrne, Byren, Carley, Corley, Curley, Earley, Farley, Harley, Hurley, Marley, Morley, Ryley, Sorley, Vyrle, Warley and Yarley.