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Meaning of the name Arsenio

Arsenio \a-rse-nio, ar-senio\ as a boy's name is pronounced ar-SEE-nee-oh. It is of Spanish and Greek origin, and the meaning of Arsenio is "masculine". According to tradition, Saint Arsenius the Great (fourth century) tutored the sons of the Roman emperor Theodosius. He was one of the Desert Fathers of Christianity and was famous for saying, "I have often been sorry for having spoken, but never for having held my tongue". Actor/comedian Arsenio Hall.

Arsenio has 15 variant forms: Arcenio, Arcinio, Arsanio, Arseenio, Arseinio, Arsemio, Arsen, Arsene, Arseni, Arsenios, Arsenius, Arseno, Arsenyo, Arsinio and Arsino.

Baby names that sound like Arsenio are Orsonio, Orsino, Orsini, Orsen and Ursino.

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