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Meaning of the name Absalom

Absalom \a-bsa-lom, ab-salom\ as a boy's name is pronounced AB-sa-lom. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Absalom is "father is peace". From Avshalom. Biblical: Absalom, son of King David, was renowned for his handsome appearance and ability to win the loyalty and allegiance of others. He connived to steal his father's throne, and died in battle, caught by his hair in an oak tree and executed by one of his father's soldiers. King David then lamented, "Would God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son!" Also the title of a tragic novel by William Faulkner. Seldom used today, perhaps because of its traditional associations with terrible grief.

Absalom has 7 variant forms: Absalon, Abshalom, Absolem, Absolom, Absolon, Avshalom and Avsholom.

For more information, see also the related name Axel.

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